Simple Summer Styling on our barn porch. Dried hydrangeas, vintage baskets, tins, and an antique cutter quilt

Organic Flower Farm

Vintage Flower Farm

Grit Antiques Barn

If you follow me on Instagram Stories you know that I shared some exciting news.

After a long talk with my hubby on the barn porch the idea of a small Organic Flower Farm was born.

We have been tossing ideas around for our property for a while and finally decided it was time to seriously consider our options.

Without hesitation I chose flowers!

Grit Antiques Barn. Simple summer style using flea market finds.

I then remembered my word for this year organic.

I had no idea at the time that it meant Organic Flower Farm, but I believe the seed was planted long before I realized.

Simple Summer Styling on our barn porch. Dried hydrangeas, vintage baskets, tins, and an antique cutter quilt

Dreaming of being rooted here and taking what I grow to style in amongst my vintage pieces.

Each time…hopeful that I will evoke a feeling of simplicity & peacefulness.

Simple Summer Styling. Antique bike and a basket of peaches

When I’m behind my camera I think of days gone by and I often dream of what it would have felt like to live off the land.

I have spent hours researching what it will take to have a small Organic Flower Farm.

It will take all of me, but I feel the rewards will outweigh any challenges I may face.

Fall Harvest of hydrangeas

Having our own flowers to harvest  feels like it will bring me and my photos one step closer to what I feel in my heart.

Sharing each step as we break ground to the tears and blooms.

Showcasing my simple style with bouquets of one variety, old-timey vases and vintage linens.

Taking my love of dried flowers to a whole new level.

Learning how to dry them perfectly in hopes of teaching others.

I’m sharing all of this news because I believe in sharing our dreams.

I often talk about this on my Instagram stories.

Always wanting to encourage and inspire you to share yours.

If the stars align and I take this leap of faith I will be taking you along with me on this journey.

It will demand a great deal of learning and time from me.

One I’m both nervous and excited about.

Kindly, xo



  • Jane, my favorite part of your story here, is the word you chose for 2019. Yes a seed was planted, and I am so excited to watch your dream grow. xo

  • So wonderful, friend! I love that the seed has been germinating in your heart for awhile now and am so excited about the possibility of it sprouting and flourishing! I know that you give your all…heart and soul…to everything you set your hand to, and that you’re going to see great success. Looking forward to cheering you on! ♥♥♥

    • Hi Jen,

      Your friendship & support means the world to me…you have a kind heart that is always thinking of others.

      I’m nervous & excited!


  • I am so happy to hear you have decided to grow your dream of growing flowers! I am so happy for you and look forward to following your journey! By the way we took a ride past that sheep and flower farm near here that I told your about but they were not open so I couldn’t get pictures. I will still try again in the near future! Remember to enjoy the process my friend….

    • you’re so kind, thank you so much for thinking of me! I sure appreciate your kindness & reminder to enjoy the process.



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